Additional Field
Class representation of an additional field.
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public AdditionalField AdditionalField(@Json(name = "label" ) String label, @Json(name = "type" ) AdditionalFieldType type, @Json(name = "required" ) Boolean required, @Json(name = "pattern" ) String pattern, @Json(name = "order" ) Integer order, @Json(name = "options" ) AdditonalFieldOptionsType options)
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A list of options for the dropdown or radio_button types. This field is required for the dropdown and radio_button types.
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A regular expression pattern that the value of the field must match.
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Whether the field is required to be filled out by the guest when booking an event.
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The field type. Supported values are text, multi_line_text, email, phone_number, dropdown, date, checkbox, and radio_button.